welcome to my blog, feel free to read around
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No ripping , copying and bad mouthing this blog
It's my blog I can write whatever nonsence I want don't like it ???
Click on the red [X] up there !!
navigation my navigation maybe a bit hard to understand thats why ill explain to you the locations of each of the tabs
- this is the welcome page, you cant get back to this anytime you feel lost
- this is my blog page, click it you want to see my blog entries
- this is my profile page, all about me and what i like
- this is my links page, my affies, favorite blogs, friends and sister's blogs
- this is my tagboard page, any comments? messages?, click here
- this is just an empty slot
- this is just an empty slot
- this is just an empty slot
- this is the domain page, contains about how i started out in blogging and the credit page
welcome to my not-so-wonderful blog
welcome to my blog, feel free to read around
Best view in firefox
No ripping , copying and bad mouthing this blog
It's my blog I can write whatever nonsense I want... don't like it ???
Click on the red [X] up there to get lost !!
For you people who said they can't read means you're blind or zoom closer if you can
navigation my navigation maybe a bit hard to understand thats why ill explain to you the locations of each of the tabs
- this is the welcome page, you cant get back to this anytime you feel lost
- this is my blog page, click it you want to see my blog entries
- this is my profile page, all about me and what i like
- this is my links page, my affies, favorite blogs, friends and sister's blogs
- this is my tagboard page, any comments? messages?, click here
- this is just an empty slot
- this is just an empty slot
- this is just an empty slot
- this is the domain page, contains about how i started out in blogging and the credit page
The recent Korean Hit Song
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 ?
0yeah....so, i like both korean n japanese songs....when i watched KBS World (channel 303 in Astro) this song came up which is the hit song for this month.... Heartbreaker - G -Dragon
(Mitsuki Chan aka Farina)- the crazy girl from NUTSVILLE
I LOVE Chocolate~! They made the world go round~ whee~ LOVES all my 13 cats n kittens so much~ oh, n i also LOVES SWEETS N JUNK FOOD (amazing that i barely can gain weight from those stuff...seriously...okay...maybe 1 kg..XD)
My Not-so-wonderful Wishing Tree
my wishlist
electric keyboard Wacom's Bamboo Pen
TAg if wanna be linked but If you don't link me first within 3 day I will delete your link .....seriously!